Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thing 10

The lesson plan assessment that I would change would be my unit on Checking. In this unit it is a hands on activity that has very little technology involved but I would incorporate a blog on checking and ask specific questions for the students to repond to based on their checking pkg that would verify that they were actually doing their own work and able to explain how they came up with their answer. This activity would be a form of evaluation that would also include peer evaluation through discussion posts on each others comments.

Thing 6-Voice Thread

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things 23 - Reflection

WOW what an amazing assingment.....I am still fighting with one assignment....that darn voice thread, but have no fear I will not let it defeat me....LOL!!!

I have enjoyed each and everyone of these assingments....some much more that favorites include wallwisher (what a great idea), wordle (this one I have used before), and Images....I loved working with these resources for digital imaging and will use these resources over and over with my classes. There were a few activities that I did not find as exciting but all in all it was well worth the time and stress to complete my 23 Things!

These activities have inspired me to be a more engaging teacher to my students through the use of all the technology tools and resources that we have had the opportunity of learning. With the knowledge and experience that I have obtained though this assignment I believe I have the confidence needed to promote technology tools to not only my students but also my fellow teachers!!!! I could do lesson like this all the time!!!!

Thing 22 - Reflection on WV Technology Conference

I attended the Game Design session hosted by Mrs Game design herself Denise Stalnaker. Denise is the state manager for Globaloria and taught in Randolph County. Her session explained the excitement of how students are learning through the use of websites, wikis, blogs and other technology tools while they learn how to create a game based on an educational issue. It was such an exciting session that I applied to become a part of the Globaloria world and just recently found out that I was accepted to teach this program starting next year.....I am EXCITED!!!!! and so are my students!!!!!

Thing 21 - Webinar

Date of webinar - 4-25-11

Presenter information - Travis Allen who is part of a grassrooms movement for a change in education which is the iSchool Innative which he started to foster mobile learning environments in schools everywere. He creates monthly YouTube videos is the link to one that I watched after the webinar The only thing Travis takes to class is his iPad...he connects to all his books, calculators, note taking etc with that one piece of technology.

Webinar Topic - iPads and other Mobile Mayhem-A Talk with Travis Allen

discussed resources for teachers and students through online library of videos for teachers and students...some of his resources are:

Thing 20 - Creative Commons-Share, Remix, Reuse - Legally

This work is licensed under Cretive Commons 2.0 Generic. You are free to share and to remix with attribution.

Thing 18 - Acceptable use Policies


Is it current - Harrison County's policy has been in place since 2002.

Does it include a policy about he use of Web 2.0 tools - Not at this time

How does my school maintain records of AUP's on file - Student files are maintained by my school SysOp and the main records are updated on the county level.

What hapens when a student doesn't have an AUP and the class is doing internt research - All incoming new students are given a computer agreement form which is signed by the parents and students, no student is allowed computer access until this form is returned and placed on file.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thing 17 -- Twitter in the Classroom

I read many article on using twitter in the classroom and was impressed with all the ways that teachers are using it in the classroom. For my particular classroom I would like to incorporate it as a question / answer helper, I already use the "ask three then me" philosophy and this would carry on that concept where the students would ask questions or post comments on how they did something which in turn could help others in the class having trouble with a particular assignment. I believe this concept would help those who would not normally ask questions out of fear of being labeled stupid and help to build their confidence in completing the project. We all have those students in our class who do nothing because they are afraid or refuse to ask for help and I think this might help them to complete projects and build their confidence!!!!

Thing 15 -- RSS

RSS is a way to subscribe to sites that allow you to see most recent updates.

I have always wondered what RSS was and now I know.......I subscribed to two sites....1. West Virginia Dept of Education and 2. News and believe that I will now start using this tool more and more for sites that I use day after day and many multiple times a day!!!!

Check out my iGoogle page at and check out my RSS feeds and my pet hamster....LOL!!!!

Thing 16 -- Twiddla

Ok I just completed my first Twiddla session with Janie....we were discussing the curriculum that is offered on the Adobe website for teaching Web Design and Multimedia......I think this would be a great site to use with any class but specifically with an online class!!!! My only problem was not being able to use the screen shot on the Twiddla website....I ended up snipping it!!!! So here is mine and Janie's Twiddla....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thing 14 -- Blogs

After careful review of these blogs I eventually went back to Free Technology for Teachers by Richard Byrne. I am following him on Twitter because when I searched for iPod curriculum his site came up and after reviewing it I found that I was sold.......his blog is easy to follow and includes many activities and ideas that I will be able to use in my classroom and ones that my students will enjoy doing. Please check it out at and let me know what you think!!!! I am sure there is something on there for all of you!!

Thing 13 -- Mid-module Reflection

All I can say so far is "WOW".....I am absolutely LOVING this part of the class!!! These resources are wonderful and I am so excited to start using them with my classes! These are the types of activities that our digital native students love to work with and I am sure they will be able to show me more things with each site!!!! Hope you are enjoying this section and learning as much as I am!!!! Thumbs up for 23 Things!!!!!

Thing 7-- Stetch Image

Well after going through all the Digital Image Editing resources I finally ended up choosing It was an extemely easy site to work with....all I had to do was upload my picture and Dumpr did the rest.....I have always been intrigued by stetches and really liked how the sketch turned out....I can't wait to use these resources with my MultiMedia classes....they love to take pictures and this will make it even more fun......I also want to have my students create Christmas Ornaments next year and these resources will be great for that purpose. Hope my stetch print doesn't scare any of you toooo much.....LOL!!!!

Thing 12--Find Something New 2.0

I found YACA PACA which is a site where teacher can create quizzes, surveys, tests and students can create their eportfolios and can modify and share their assignments and the best part is it is FREE~~I believe this would be a great asset to any classroom teacher and I am looking forward to digging into it myself then sharing it with my colleagues~~Check it out and let me know what you can find it at!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!

Thing 11--Learning with Video--I Pocket

This video was amazing and so was a pocket that attaches to almost anything and holds necessary items such as pencils, iPods, mice etc.....this would be a great project to coordinate with other classes to such as Home Ec to make these items and attach them to the computers to keep necessary items right there at their finger tips. A project like this would help students stay organized and on task, which is a huge problem we are facing at my high school!!!! RLA.O.9.3.7 -- plan, create, organize and present and present an age approriate media product that demonstrates an understanding of format, purpose, and audience.

Thing 9--How to Make a Pine Cone Wreath

I have always wanted to know how to make professional looking I found this Podcast and thought it would be a great place to start.... who knows I may be he next Marth Stewart...LOL!!! I think this would be a great start for a class project where they are to select something they want to do and begin with a podcast on how to do it then begin their project from example might be building a bird house....etc!

Thing 19--Skyping

Hi everyone....I am officially on skype...actually Janie and I just finished fine tuning our computers and we were able to see and hear each other....this is an amazing technology tool not only for educational purposes but especially for personal can find me at coleskay. I think this would be a wonderful tool for the classroom to be used for collaboration, sharing resources, peer and teacher feedback, working with students in different states and even different countries to share ideas and stories as well as online tutoring!!! Although this is not available in my county I am hoping that if I contact my Technology person at our county office he would open it up for my classes!!! Happy SKYPING......looking forward to getting to skype with you soon!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thing 5--Wordle

Well for once a techy toy that I have actually used in my classes....I have used this tool for varioius activites and my students really loved playing with it! Please look over my wordle and let me know what you think.....I played around with it but I know from reading the resources that there is so much more that can be done with a wordle and I plan on incorporating some of these ideas in my classes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thing 4 -- Wallwisher

Well Wallwisher sure is an interesting site. I really think I am going to like this and am looking forward to building it and using it as a possible site for my teachers to link to for ideas and suggestions.....I might even think about using it with my students also....check out my site at and feel free to make any suggestions! Looking forward to your comments!!!

Thing 3--Tweeting 101

Well I have been a member of twitter for less than a week and I can now see how people get additcted to it....I believe that there is so much to learn and though following people and groups in technology education I will be able to connect with people who have the same beliefs and ideas that I have. I am looking forward to networking with these tweeters and hopefully continue to build on my learning process. I am following 11 Educational Techology leaders and they include FETC, WVTIS, TeachTec, tcea, theneardyteacher, kditzler, tammyworcester, web20classroom, rmbyrne, TechnologyEd, TEDchris. Looking forward to following these sites and she what I can learn.

Thing 2--My first blog!!!

Well this is my first time to create a blog. So far so good, but hey it is my first post....LOL!!! I really enjoy learning new things in technology and I am looking forward to adding my thoughts as I progress thorough my 23 Things! Hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to add any comments....they will be a welcome addition to my blog.